Man in the creek
De outdoor N°1 killer: Onderkoeling !
Wat is onderkoeling (Hypothermie) ?
Wat zijn de symptomen van onderkoeling ?
- Rillingen, die kunnen stoppen naarmate de onderkoeling vordert (rillen is eigenlijk een goed teken dat de warmteregulerende systemen van een persoon nog actief zijn. )
- Trage, oppervlakkige ademhaling Verwarring en geheugenverlies Slaperigheid of uitputting
- Onduidelijke of gemompelde spraak
- Verlies van coördinatie, stuntelende handen, struikelende stappen
- Een trage, zwakke pols Bij ernstige onderkoeling kan een persoon bewusteloos zijn zonder duidelijke tekenen van ademhaling of een polsslag
Hoe lang duurt het om onderkoeld te raken in water ?
Wat kan ik doen ?
No.1 killer of outdoorsmen: Hypothermia !
What is hypothermia ?
Hypothermia is caused by prolonged exposures to very cold temperatures. When exposed to cold temperatures, your body begins to lose heat faster than it’s produced. Lengthy exposures will eventually use up your body’s stored energy, which leads to lower body temperature.
What are the Symptoms of Hypothermia ?
- Shivering, which may stop as hypothermia progresses (shivering is actually a good sign that a person’s heat regulation systems are still active. )
- Slow, shallow breathing
- Confusion and memory loss
- Drowsiness or exhaustion
- Slurred or mumbled speech
- Loss of coordination, fumbling hands, stumbling steps
- A slow, weak pulse
- In severe hypothermia, a person may be unconscious without obvious signs of breathing or a pulse
How long does it take to get hyperthermia in water ?
Even in really cold water, it takes at least 30 minutes for you to become hypothermic. Crucially, hypothermia remains a risk even when you get out of the water unless you get out of the cold and warm up efficiently and quickly.
What can I do ?
First aid methods should be employed, including seeking shelter (especially from wind and rain), insulating from the ground, removing wet clothing and providing external heat, such as via a stove or by contact with another individual. Warm drinks may also help.